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  1. The Certificate of Emblem in the Program called Investor in Human Capital for 2001
  2. „Business Gazelle” in the years 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2008 – the membership in the elite Business Gazelle Club for the most dynamically developing companies awarded by Puls Biznesu Chapter in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 (5 awards),
  3. Mazovian Company of the Year 2005, the 2nd place in the category of Transport, Forwarding, Automotive – the title awarded in the Competition by the Chapter of the "Great Gala of Mazovian Business" in 2006
  4. "The Design Company of 2006" – the title awarded by the Chapter of IPB in 2007
  5. "Mazovian Company of the Year 2007", the 1st place in the category of Transport, Forwarding, Automotive – the title awarded in the Contest by the Chapter of the "Great Gala of Mazovian Business" in 2007
  6. „Quality of the Year 2007” – the title awarded by the Chapter of PCB and C S.A. and the Editorial Board of Biznes Raport (Business Report) section in Gazeta Prawna in 2008
  7. "Quality of the Year 2008" – the title awarded by the Chapter of PCB and C S.A. and the Editorial Board of Biznes Raport (Business Report) section in Gazeta Prawna in 2009
  8. "Quality of the Year 2009" – the title awarded by the Chapter of PCB and C S.A. and the Editorial Board of Biznes Raport (Business Report) section in Gazeta Prawna in 2010,
  9. "Quality of the Year GOLD" – the title awarded by the Chapter of PCB and C S.A. and the Editorial Board of Biznes Raport (Business Report) section in Gazeta Prawna in 2010
  10. the Transparent Company Certificate for 2009 for Bombardier Transportation (Rail Engineering) Polska Sp. z o.o. issued by Dun&Bradstreet Poland
  11. "The Eagles of the Polish Construction Industry" – the third place in the category of engineering, road, energy and railway infrastructure – the title awarded to BOMBARDIER Transportation (Rail Engineering) Polska Spółka z o.o. in the Competition by the Chapter of the "Great Gala of Local Government and Business" in 2009
  12. "The Best Design Company in Poland in 1990 - 2010" for BOMBARDIER Transportation (Rail Engineering) Polska Spółka z o.o., Diploma of Recognition awarded by the Competition Board on June 24, 2010
  13. Mazovian Company of the Decade for BOMBARDIER Transportation (Rail Engineering) Polska Spółka z o.o. in the category of rail signaling – the title awarded by the decision of the Competition Board and Organizers of the Competition under the Honorary Patronage of the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship Mr. Adam Struzik on November 17, 2012,
  14. "Engineering Design of 2012" – the title awarded for the design: "E-30 railway line modernization project, stage II. Pilot implementation of ERTMS in Poland on Legnica-Węgliniec-Bielawa Dolna section - in the ETCS II part" for BOMBARDIER Transportation (Rail Engineering) Polska Spółka z o.o. by the IPB Competition Board on April 19, 2012
  15. "Engineering Design of 2014". – the title awarded for the project: "Design and construction of the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway Stage I" for BOMBARDIER Transportation (Rail Engineering) Poland Spółka z o.o. by the IPB Competition Board on June 12, 2014
  16. "The Best Design Company of 2013" for BOMBARDIER Transportation (Rail Engineering) Polska Spółka z o.o., a Diploma of Recognition awarded by the Competition Board on June 12, 2014
  17. "Designer of the Year 2014" – the title awarded to Andrzej Tomasik, M.Sc. from BOMBARDIER Transportation (Rail Engineering) Polska Spółka z o.o. by the IPB Competition Board on June 12, 2014
  18. “Engineering Design of the 25th Anniversary" the title awarded for the design: "E-30 railway line modernization project, stage II. Pilot implementation of ERTMS in Poland on Legnica-Węgliniec-Bielawa Dolna section - in the ETCS II part" for BOMBARDIER Transportation (Rail Engineering) Poland Spółka z o.o. by the IPB Competition Board on May 21, 2015
  19. "The Best Design and Engineering Company of the 25th Anniversary" for BOMBARDIER Transportation (Rail Engineering) Polska Spółka z o.o., a Diploma of Recognition awarded by the Competition Board on September 16, 2015
  20. The Diploma for Bombardier Transportation Sp. z o.o. for the 2nd place in the Competition of the Mazovian District Chamber of Civil Engineers "Mazovian Engineering Company of 2016" in the design category, issued on August 30, 2016
  21. A special award, i.e. "TRYLINKA" statuette from the Board of the Warsaw Branch of SITK RP (The Polish Association of the Engineers and Technicians of Transport of the Republic of Poland)  for the contribution to the development of safety of rail traffic control systems in the Polish and international market, granted on September 28, 2016.
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